Sunday 3 June 2012

Days of frustration

This weekend nothing is going as planned. This part of the renovation is the most exhausting one. When you think you have all the plans figured out, then obstacles start to occur, and turns out that your plans will not work at all. So frustrating! Seems I can't get the tub I want or the floor I want and previously lowered ceilings in the hallway are giving me a headache. Well, at least I can be happy about the beautiful stairs that truly revealed themselves when we removed a wall around them. I wish I could leave them without a railing...


  1. Näyttää hyvältä! Paljon onnea uudesta kodista ja tsemppiä remonttiin -varmasti tulee upeaa jälkeä!

  2. Yes, the stairs look beautiful! Good luck with everything else!

    Love Lisanne

  3. Jaksamista remontin keskelle!! Kyllä siitä hyvä tulee, ja olet oikeassa, raput näyttävät aivan mahtavalle!
