Sunday, 6 May 2012

Blog diamonds

I have received several blog awards and challenges (Thank you so much Birgit from Taulu ja Tapetti, Pinja from Pinjacolada, Riikka from Hunajaista and Johanna from Ekojohanna.)

The name of the game is that when you receive credit, you give credit. The task is to name five great blogs that have under 200 followers and pass the challenge on. So, here it is: Five of my favourite 'diamond quality' blogs:

1. Rag&Rug is hosted by two design and advertising students observing life beautifully through camera.
2. Perhonen lensi is a beautiful blog about life in Stockholm.
3. Pieni mopo blogs about design around the world and runs a poster shop called PingPongPrints
4. Elina Dahl is a talented illustrator who hosts both a blog and a shop.
5. Dolores is a true lifestyle blog including tips on fashion, travel and interiors.

Diamond poster by The Pairabirds